Life Between Lives

What is ‘Life Between Lives’ (LBL)? ‘Life Between Lives’ refers to the experience of being between incarnations (the inter-life), where you exist as a pure energy being. An LBL session involves the achievement of complete physical relaxation to reach a state of expanded consciousness where hidden spiritual memories can be accessed. In an LBL state, awareness is altered so the subconscious and the highest level of the mind the superconscious can be accessed to bring forth deep personal wisdom.

Each of us is so much more than the physical aspect we can see. We are a combination of the energies, experiences and learnings of countless previous lives; each life a set of contrasting experiences that embody the variety of lessons our inner, eternal self seeks to learn in its quest for development. That core, eternal self, is always searching for growth and new levels of understanding. LBL sessions can improve the connection we have with our own expanded consciousness and true immortal self.

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