Life is a choice

Maxine • March 8, 2022

Life Is a CHOICE

在生活上,我们应该都会有听朋友,家人或自己抱怨过 “我别无选择”。


每一个瞬间综合起来就是一生;所有选择加起来就是人生。” Tal Ben-Shahar

如果在任何的一瞬间,您觉得自己被现况困住而别无选择, 不妨停下脚步,思考。。。


在生活当中,‘ 随波逐流’, ‘顺其自然去’,‘安于现状’ 都是一种选择。放弃做选择,也是一种选择。当你不愿意为自己的人生做选择,那你就会被别人的选择牵着走,只是按照过去的方式行事,被动地对生活做出反应,而不是积极地创造自己想要的人生。

如果你想突破或改变自己,不妨问问自己: “我必须做些什么才能让生活成为我想要的样子?我如何可以做到?写下您的选择,拒绝接受“我别无选择”作为宿命。


Have you ever heard a friend, family member or even yourselves complaining that "I have no choice".

“Choice is creation.

To choose is to create.

Through my choices I create my reality.

At every moment in my life I have a choice.

Moments add up to a lifetime; choices add up to a life.” -Tal Ben-Shahar.

At any moment you feel trapped and thought you have no choice in life, pause for a moment, reflect, and think of the possibilities that are open to you.

When you decided to just go with the flow or give up your privilege to choose, this is also a choice. When you are reluctant to choose in life, you will be led by other people’s choices, passively reacting to life, rather than actively creating the life that you want.

If you want to break through or change yourself, ask yourself: "What do I have to do to make life the way I want it to be? How can I do it?” Write down your choices and refuse to accept "I have no choice" as Fate.

Making different choices is not easy,  It takes a lot of hard work and courage. Whatever choices you made, it does not guarantee any outcome or results, but it certainly increases the chances and possibilities of finding a solutions. In each failure, we learn, grow and continue to make the next choice. That's what makes our life wonderful.

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